Edgewater Elementary School

Ms. Shirley Kapitsky - Principal

Home & School Association


Please click here to purchase Edgewater Spirit Wear


This service organization is school, regional, provincial and national in scope. It has three main functions:

  • to organize volunteer services for the students

  • to raise funds to supply extra learning materials

  • to promote a sense of community amongst students, parents and teachers

Become a member - Support those who support your children! All parents are encouraged to take out an annual membership, or better still, get actively involved as a Home and School volunteer. Everyone is invited to our monthly meetings.

To get information about joining The Edgewater Home and School Association please contacts us at: edgewaterhands@gmail.com

2024-2025 Executive Committee

President Kathryn Potvin
Vice President Maria Ligon
Treasurer Kim Chiasson
Secretary Laura Humphreys
Membership Chair Crystal Hurst
Public Relations Jodie Roberts


Event Coordinators

Born to Read Jennifer Boleska
Celebration of Learning Shauna Plourde 
Fundraising Maria Ligon & Chloe Sauve
Grad Committee Maria Ligon & Laura Humphreys
Grad T-Shirts Jennifer Boleska 
Halloween Dance Melissa Simard
Hot Lunch Kristina Goodwin
Movie Night Jodie Roberts
Newsletter Jodie Roberts
Pizza Day Samantha Stillar
Scholastic Book Fair Sarah Bird
Spring Shop Fest Kelsey Legault
Teacher/Staff Appreciation Week (TSAW) Kelsey Legault, Shauna Plourde, Samantha Stiller


Principal Shirley Kapitsky
Staff Representative Athanasia Antonopoulos & Peter Chan
Governing Board Representative Laura Humphreys



Click on icon to download
  Meeting Date   Minutes
  March 12, 2024  
  February 6, 2024  
  January 16, 2024  
  November 7, 2023  
  October 3, 2023  
  September 11, 2023  


Click here for Archives

What is Home and School?

Why become a member?

Membership Fee – Where does it go?

Executive Committee and Coordinators – What we do



What is Home and School?

  • We are a group of people dedicated to enhancing the education and the general wellbeing of our children and the school.

  • We raise funds to enrich our children’s educational experiences by provided much needed classroom tools, funds for the library, funds for the different departments such as Art, Music and Physical Education. We also provide financial assistance to the graduating class.

  • We organize the annual craft fair, School dance, Movie night, Bazaar, Anti-bullying events, winter carnival, Spring Carnival, Open house and more….

  • We are a non-profit volunteer organization that works with the school to build a strong relationship between the two. We work jointly to ensure open communication. 

  • We are not connected to the school board.

  • The money raised by the families, is allocated by the Home and School members and is kept in a bank account controlled by the Home and School.

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Why become a member?

  • Your membership automatically gives you support in the Quebec Federation of Home and School Associations (QFHSA). The QFHSA is the parent body of all local associations working under the Canadian Association of Home & School Associations and they have been acting as an independent voice promoting the education and well-being of children since 1944 and are the ONLY Anglophone parent committee in Quebec.

  • It empowers you to comment and act upon areas of education and child welfare that concern you and offers you, the parent, an opportunity to learn about the school community in which your child spends approximately one-third of his/her time and to create a school environment that you would like for your child.

  • You may be an active member, able to volunteer or occasionally participate, or a non-active member, as a supporter. Both are important!!!

  • We met once a month to discuss upcoming events, bring new ideas to the table, vote on requests brought to us by the school, and decide on fundraising activities. If you cannot attend meetings you will receive a copy of the minutes and will stay informed.

  • Membership is open to ALL Edgewater families and we would LOVE to have you as a part of our organization. New ideas are always welcomed and appreciated.

  • As a member you will also receive numerous discounts throughout the year. Discounts on Pizza and Subway orders, entrance fees for the school dance and movie night, discounts on food at the open house and more….

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Membership Fee – Where does it go?

  • To become a member of the Edgewater Home and School Association, there is an annual fee of $20.00 per family which goes to the Quebec Federation of Home and School Association (QFHSA). $18.00 of this amount will be sent to them so that you may have an larger and louder voice allowing you to vote and express your point of view on various educational decisions. The remaining $2.00 is kept by Edgewater H&S to contribute to our social events.

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Executive Committee and Coordinators – What we do

President -
Creates and sends meeting agenda and coordinates communication between parents, administration and school staff. Presides over meetings, shares responsibilities and delegate’s duties. Submits annual report at AGM and is responsible for all correspondence.


Vice-President -
Performs all duties delegated by the President and notifies non present members of duties assigned to them. Acts in absence of the President.


Treasurer -
Handles all financial transactions, bill paying, and bank deposits and keeps records of all purchases made. Presents written report at monthly meetings and submits annual budget and financial reports at the AGM.


Secretary -
Records accurate minutes at all meetings and distributes them to all members. Takes attendance at meetings and presents the minutes from the last meeting for approval.


Membership Chair -
Compiles a data base of all members and provides membership numbers to each member and to the committees. Is responsible for membership table at events to encourage new families to join. Collects membership fees and advises QFHSA of any membership changes.


Public Relation -
Prepares publicity for events. Responsible for monthly news bulletin. Sends information and updates to the QFHSA regarding activities and events that Edgewater is a part of.


Fundraising -
Coordinates the Fall and Spring Fundraising Campaigns. Responsible for contacting companies, ordering and distributing campaign material and products as well as collecting funds from the families.


Governing Board Representation -
Represents Edgewater Home and School Association at Governing Board meetings. Reports any pertinent information, obtained from Governing Board in a report each month at the meetings and relays any information H&S may have to Governing board.


Teacher Representation -
Represent Edgewater staff at meetings and reports on any upcoming events and financial requests.


Principal Representation -
Reports on school events.  

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