We offer a service to pupils, and families of pupils, who are experiencing social challenges. A teacher may make a reference to our School's Resource Team and a plan will be drawn up that will involve one-on-one work, social skills training courses, anger management groups or development of strategies for conflict resolution. All work is done in collaboration with the home room teacher and parents: frequent communication is a vital component of this work.
We are fortunate to have the added dimension of being a school affiliated with the Lester B. Pearson's Family and School Support and Treatment Team (FSSTT). This membership allows us to provide our teachers and families the added insights of colleagues working in the same field. Parents with questions on the topic of behaviour may contact the office.
Like all children, those with special needs learn both from their environment (other students) and from a team of adults. We draw on the expertise of many professionals to help each individual reach maximum growth. This team may comprise of a home room teacher, a resource teacher, the principal, an integration aide and other Board personnel, depending on determined needs. Aides assist teachers who are responsible for integrated pupils. This support may come by working directly with a pupil, a group of children, or a whole class -- and this may be in English or French. A good communication system between all the adults helping a child is very important.
Spiritual animation is offered in our school one day a week and seeks to provide the students with opportunities and activities which help the students find meaning in everyday life. Through these activities students not only come to understand themselves but also see how they can make a difference in the lives of others within and outside the school community. The animator works with individuals, small groups, as well as full classes of students helping them express themselves through art and language. She has helped many of our students navigate through difficult times when a loved one is seriously ill or has passed away. The spiritual animator can be reached by leaving a message with the school's administrative assistant.
Working in small groups, it is the aim of the speech therapist to help children develop oral communication skills to the best of their ability. Children who have articulation difficulties, lack fluency, stutter and/or have physical speech problems would be assessed then referred for this service.
Each student has a "speech book" which assists with the important out-of-class practicing, and helps to keep the family informed of their child's work.
We also try to acquire the social skills that accompany language:
being a good listener;
being able to take turns when communicating;
using language appropriate for the group; and
providing a good model for others to follow.
Weekly, we have the services of a social worker who is assigned to us by the CSSS Vaudreuil-Soulanges. The social worker works with students and their families. She also acts as a knowledgeable liaison with the many support services available in the community. If you think your family would benefit from a consultation with a social worker for any reason, leave your name at the school office 514-453-4534 or you can contact the CSSS directly at 450-455-6171. For more information, visit the Guide to Community Resources in Vaudreuil-Soulanges website.
We have the services of a public health nurse who is assigned to us by the CSSS Vaudreuil Dorion. The nurse helps to act as a health educator and a resource to teachers or individuals. She reviews all of the medical information we receive from parents, and posts and informs staff about anaphylactic allergies. Through her services, community health officials try to control or eradicate contagious diseases (this includes inoculation programs).
If you think your family would benefit from the help of a public health nurse for any reason, leave your name at the office 514-453-4534. You can also contact INFO-SANTÉ by dialing 811. This is a 24 hours/day, 7 days/week service.
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